
Salt and Light Laundry Service

My name is Jourdan Smith & I, along with my husband, own Salt & Light Laundry Services. We started Salt & Light Laundry Services on a whim in April of 2021 out of our home with Celina, TX being our very first service area.

We are a Jesus loving company dedicated providing fast, affordable and quality laundry services…but also covering our clients in prayer and offering an experience that lasts far beyond when your laundry is delivered. We will pick up off your porch, wash, dry, fold OR hang and return within 24-48 hours.

When we started Salt & Light, my husband was working long hours as GM of a restaurant in Copell & I owned/operated an in home daycare. For the first 4 months of Salt & Light being open, we both continued to work our full time jobs during the day and run our little start up through the night & into the early morning hours. Very quickly we realized that this wasn’t just an opportunity to earn money. This was an opportunity to make an impact for the Kingdom.

We began asking our (very few) clients at the time how we could be praying for them. We began interceding to God on behalf of others & had the privilege of seeing our own prayer lives blossom in the process. The Lord began to speak clearly & give us revelant scripture to each clients unique situation/requests. That’s when we knew… the Lord was moving & He was going to turn this into more than we could’ve imagined.

Now, we offer our service to the majority of the state of TX all while cultivating a thriving ministry with a mission to make it known that Jesus is the answer to every question.