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5 Ways to Bust Through Workout Boredom

We all know that workouts can sometimes feel repetitive, and it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. At FIT4MOM, we believe in keeping fitness fun and engaging, so you stay motivated and excited about your journey. In this Mama Masterclass, Whitney Heins shares with us her tips and tricks to ensure you find motivation, no matter where it is hiding.

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Whitney is the founder of The Mother Runners. She's a certified running coach who is also an accomplished freelance writer for publications like Runner's World, Women's Running, and Nike.

When asked what she does to stay motivated personally, Whitney shared a multitude of methods. One specifically was setting a long-term goal. She shares, “You need a goal. Whether that goal is “I want to move my body three times a week” or “I want to train for a 5K or a half marathon,” you should set a big goal. Then you set the process goals along, which are the stepping stone goals, what you do every day in order to achieve that big goal.”

Are you ready to learn more ways to help get your groove back? No matter if you are a runner, a group fitness fanatic, a yogi, or a lifting maven, here are five ways to bust through workout boredom.


Variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to fitness. If you find yourself dreading your workouts, it might be time to mix things up. Whitney shared, “If you’re running the same course over and over again, pick someplace new if you can. Chunk the runs. If you’re doing a 16-miler, do eight in your neighborhood and the back half outside on the trails. Breaking it up always really helps mentally.”

Whether it's trying a new fitness class, exploring a different running route, or incorporating new exercises into your routine, a change of scenery or activity can reignite your enthusiasm.


Embracing the great outdoors can significantly enhance your workout experience. Research supports this, showing that outdoor workouts can reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and increase enjoyment. Studies found that just 30 minutes in nature can lower cortisol levels and enhance overall mood. The varied terrain also adds a physical challenge, keeping your body and mind engaged. Whether it's a run in the park, a hike, or an outdoor yoga session, changing your setting can invigorate your routine and help you bust through boredom.

In fact, check out these resources about the benefits of working out outside.


Listening to music can significantly boost your exercise motivation by enhancing mood, reducing perceived effort, and providing a rhythmic tempo that aligns with your workout. Upbeat tunes can elevate your energy levels, distract from fatigue, and make the experience more enjoyable.

Whitney says, “I love running to music. Usually, if I’m needing extra motivation, I’ll put together a new playlist with some good pump-up songs that really get me excited. Podcasts and audiobooks are great too.”

Create a playlist with your favorite upbeat songs or find an engaging podcast or audiobook to listen to while you exercise. The right tunes or an interesting story can help distract you from the physical effort and make the time fly by.



Working out with others can help you bust through boredom by increasing motivation and providing a social element. Research shows that 95% of those who start a fitness program with friends complete it, compared to 76% who go solo . Exercising in groups fosters accountability and creates a supportive environment, making workouts more enjoyable and varied. A study by the University of Oxford found that people who exercise in groups have higher endorphin levels, enhancing the experience and reducing perceived effort. This camaraderie helps to maintain interest and commitment to a fitness routine, combating monotony effectively.


Sometimes, a mental boost is all you need to overcome workout boredom. Whitney recommends focusing on positive affirmations. “If I find that my form is falling apart, I think about just standing tall and telling myself that I feel strong or that I am strong,” she says. Positive self-talk can help you stay focused and motivated. Incorporating “I am” statements, such as “I am capable” or “I am energized,” can reinforce a positive mindset and keep you engaged in your workout.

As Whitney wisely puts it, “Motivation follows action. You can’t wait for yourself to be motivated; you have to get going, and then the motivation comes.” So lace up those sneakers, try something new, and remember that you’re not just working out – you’re investing in your health, happiness, and well-being.