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There’s a certain type of viral video making the rounds lately—maybe you’ve seen it: it’s basically a personal “highlight reel” or commercial showing the “REAL you”. Have you seen those, Mama? Ours would say something like this:

"Hi, we’re FIT4MOM & we help you find your village. Yes, we offer pre and postnatal health, wellness, and fitness programs for every stage of motherhood…but we’re so much more than that. All of our programs were created by moms for moms to provide Strength in Motherhood®. FIT4MOM is all about connection—the connection between you & us, the love you give yourself, the bond between you and your littles, and the friendship developed between you and fellow mamas."

Lisa Druxman started FIT4MOM by way of Stroller Strides 22 years ago (!!!). She wanted to create a village of moms who could lean on each other throughout their entire motherhood journey. Stroller Strides is a workout for mom, while her kiddo is in the stroller. We use learning development tools to interact with kids throughout the class, such as teaching them how to count, chant, sing, recognize colors, and more. However, the focus of the class is on the mama; You will leave this total-body strength class feeling strong, empowered, connected, and energized.

Mindy Hayward-Hauck, the owner of FIT4MOM Upper Arlington, OH, remembers her first Stroller Strides class well. She says “I found my local Stroller Strides class when my son was 16 months old and I was newly pregnant with my daughter. I remember rolling up to the class with my little guy in his stroller, 12 weeks pregnant, and totally nervous about what I was getting myself into. Was I going to be able to do all the exercises? Would my son stay content in his stroller? Would they think I was silly starting in a new workout group when I was pregnant?

Luckily, none of my fears came true! The instructor was great about giving me exercises I felt comfortable doing while pregnant, my son LOVED all the interactions and getting to see the other kiddos, and the other mamas were the kindest and most accepting group I had been around. Stroller Strides immediately felt like home to us.”

We know that everyone feels a bit nervous before attending their first class with us (by the way—did you know your first class is always free?). To help you shake off those feelings, we created this short cheat sheet of everything you need to know or do before you lace up your sneakers for that first class!


1 - Get Your Doctor’s Clearance: ​​The initial six weeks following birth is considered the most intense time for a new mom. Your physician will want to check on you four to six weeks after birth to verify appropriate physical and emotional recovery. Once you’ve been cleared for fitness by your doctor, our instructors are trained to meet you wherever you are on your healing journey. We offer appropriate movements to ensure everyone is included and welcomed into our classes.

2 - Register for Your First Class: With more than 1,800 locations, 1,700 instructors, and 250 franchise owners and mompreneurs nationwide, we know we have a class for you! Make sure to register with your local FIT4MOM so you know where you’re going the morning of your first class and the instructor can relay any important information you’ll need for the morning.

3 - Gather Your Clothes: Trust us, mama; there is no fancy gear needed for this class. Just wear something you can move comfortably in (dress in layers for cooler weather), shoes that fit well, and an appropriate sports bra— especially if you are nursing. Pro Mama Tip: lay your clothes out and set your shoes by the door the night before! Starting a new routine can feel chaotic—anything to help it roll more smoothly is a plus!

4 - Grab Your Supplies: Again, nothing fancy needed here, but you will want a water bottle, yoga mat or towel, and weather-appropriate accessories (sunscreen for Mama and kiddos, sunglasses, and a baseball cap or winter hat).

5 - Eat a Good Breakfast: Fuel before you arrive at class so your food has time to settle before starting movement.


1 - Check Your Stroller: Make sure all buckles are operational, the tires are inflated, and you have all of the attachments needed for baby seats.

2 - Pack Your Bag: Diapers & wipes, extra clothes, bottles, toys, and snacks for after class are all great ideas to have with you for class. Pro Mama Tip: Pack a mixture of toys/books you KNOW your child loves AND novel, new items (the dollar section at the store makes a great place to look for these). The excitement of a new toy or book can often help quell those first-class jitters!

3 - Feed Everybody Before Class: Nurse or bottle-feed your little one before class. If you have bigger kiddos, make sure to give them breakfast as well. No one does well when they’re hangry (if you know, you know, Mama).

4 - Prepare the Kids for the Stroller: If class is around nap time, bring a portable white noise machine or lullaby toy. Stroller fans will help kids of all ages stay cool in the stroller. For toddlers and bigger kids, it’s a good idea to tell them what you expect during class; for example, “I’m going to workout with my friends for a bit while you join us in the stroller. After class, you will get to play with your new friends on the playground! We are going to have so much fun!”

5 - Sunscreen & Water: Most of our classes are outside, but our instructors aim to have you and your little ones in the shade as much as possible. It is still recommended to have sunscreen and water for the entire family. (Okay, we know we already mentioned sunscreen and water, but can you blame us?! We want healthy, happy, hydrated Mamas!)

Mindy says “Prior to becoming a mom, I was a self-proclaimed “gym rat.” The fitness center next to my office was my place of zen. After my son was born, it just wasn’t feasible for my family to return to that sort of schedule, but the lack of physical activity felt like there was something missing in my life.

When I found FIT4MOM, I felt like that missing piece of me was back. And as I became more active in classes as a client, it made me want to become more involved in the business. I had previously considered finding a way to combine my love of fitness with some sort of work, and becoming an instructor was the perfect way for me to do that.

When my kids aged out of their strollers (though, I do still make them get in their stroller for class from time to time!) and I knew I was entering a new stage of motherhood, well, that’s when I decided to take the leap and open my own franchise.”

Since launching Stroller Strides, we have had quite the glow-up! We have launched 7 programs that help support moms throughout every age and stage of motherhood. FIT4MOM is more than a fitness franchise; we believe in building communities by connecting with local families, businesses, entrepreneurs, and neighborhoods. We believe the moms who are taking - and leading - our classes will raise healthy, strong families that will develop into healthy, strong communities. The Ripple is real.

Find your village, Mama. Come join us---first class is always free, sign up here!