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Nursing Neck

Feeding a baby is hard no matter what method you decide to use. Bottle or breastfeeding can cause what we like to call Nursing Neck (we will call it “Nursing” only because it sounds more phonetically appealing but please know we support feeding in any manner).

The posture used to feed a baby includes your entire spine. A parent looks down at their beautiful bundle of joy putting strain on the upper back and neck. Along with this a parent must use both arms to hold and support that growing baby. If you are a “lazy” nurser like me, you may even find yourself in the most awkward positions to keep your baby from waking (if you need a good laugh just look up gymNURStics 😊).

If you find yourself feeling like you can’t sit straight up, your shoulders are rolling forward, or your shoulders are up near your ears then you likely are struggling with this. This is a common condition and can be corrected through three main steps:

1. Soften the Surrounding Musculature (Massage, Stretching, and Myofascial Release)

2. Get the Joints Moving (Chiropractic Adjustment)- best if performed after a massage

3. Strengthen the Area (Specific Strengthening Exercises)

It may be hard to make the time for massages and chiropractic adjustments, but it is worth taking care of your spine now so that years down the road you are still able to play with your kids and grandkids.