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Newborn Chiropractor Care

Birth is a hard process on both mom and baby even if the birth is natural with no interventions. Your baby can be holding onto tension present since birth that needs to be resolved for him to be comfortable and reach all his developmental milestones on time.

Does your baby HATE the carseat?

Does your baby have reflux?

Is your baby struggling to feed?

Is your baby hard to burp?

Does your baby want to be held upright and refuses to lay on their back?

Does your baby have colic?

Does your baby have a flat spot on their head?

Is your baby trying to skip crawling?

These are just a few examples of conditions that arise when a baby has unresolved tension in the spine. Most moms are unsure how to help and end up stressed and exhausted. This is where we come in!

Bodywork including chiropractic and craniosacral therapy is key. Through gentle pressure and vibration with our fingertips we can unwind the tension along a baby’s spine and cranium. This allows your baby to be more calm, relaxed and aligned.

Most moms want to know beforehand how their baby will respond. The two most common responses to adjustments and bodywork is a long nap or big bowel movement that day following their session. This is a great indicator that your baby’s body is resetting and letting go of anything keeping them uncomfortable.

Just like every mom probably needs and would enjoy a massage…. every baby could benefit and enjoy a bodywork session!