September 2021 Mom of the Month

I really enjoy the Body Boost classes and my group! I am so grateful for the friends I have made and I look forward to seeing everyone each week. I feel stronger and motivated to continue pushing myself because of these wonderful people! THANK YOU

Where are you originally from?

Fort Worth

Tell us about your little workout buddy!

My daughter Charlotte just turned one back in August. We call her Lottie for short, and she is my world. My husband and I had been on a waitlist to adopt for many years and then last year our agency reached out and asked if we were interested in a newborn. No question the answer was yes, and we just feel so blessed and grateful to be parents to the best little girl in the world.

How did you meet your husband? Dustin & I met 17 years ago working as a drive-thru teller at a bank in Keller. He is my best friend and strongest support.

What’s your favorite family activity? We enjoy swinging on the front porch watching the birds and listening to the wind chimes.

Tell us a little about your career—pre or post baby.

For the past 10 years I have been the operations manager for our family’s landscape company. I handle day-to-day operations as well as all our landscape design & installations.

How did you find out about FIT4MOM?

My sister-in-law, Paige, is an instructor & invited me to a class in early 2021. I enjoyed everything about it and signed up a few months later.

What is your favorite part about FIT4MOM?

I enjoy the support from the coaches and the other moms. It lifts me up and gives me a boost every week which I desperately need.

What has inspired you the most since being a part of FIT4MOM?

Seeing the impact the group has on each of the moms. It’s a very supportive environment so in a world that seems unkind most of the time this is my safe place. I know I will not be judged but encouraged and that feels good and I am very thankful.

Do you have any big plans this month?

We are celebrating our 8th Wedding Anniversary in 2 weeks and are really looking forward to all the fall festivities! Fall is our favorite time of the year

What is your proudest moment as a mom?

Every time Lottie excels at something new, and we experience it together I am so proud! There are a lot of proud moments hahaha!

Have you ever thought, gosh I can’t do this, and what brings you to see the good?

Probably every week at least once hahaha! I just want to set a good example so I have to ground myself back to the foundation that keeps me going every day. Giving up is not an option for me and never has been. I trust that God is not going to put anything in my path I cant handle.

How has becoming a mother changed you? Lottie comes first now, not me, and not my husband. A year ago I worried about work, covid, and traveling- now I’m wondering if it’s time to switch to size 4 diapers & which foods to let her try next HAHA But seriously though she’s made me a better person inside and out and I am so grateful to her.

What advice would you give a new mom?

Just chill, don't overthink things too much, and remember to breathe. Oh and take breaks to reset your mind- it takes a village!