November 2020 Mom of the Month

I am so humbled and honored to be the Mom of the Month! Anyone who knows me knows how much I love & adore Fit4Mom! The past 6 months with this amazing group of ladies has been such a blessing for me and my family. From working out with my boys during Stroller Strides in the summer, to going through Body Well and my husband joining me with eating healthier, it has changed not only me but my family for the better! From day one with Fit4mom Burleson-Crowley, I have felt welcomed, seen, known, and loved. Even when I have a toddler having a not so good day during class, these mamas understand and pass no judgment. I have met some amazing mamas and great friends from Fit4mom and it truly has been one of the sweetest gifts!


Where are you originally from? Right here in Crowley!

Tell us about your little workout buddy/buddies! I have two of the most handsome workout buddies a girl could ask for, Asher James (3) and Micah Lee (1). They are incredibly sweet, smart, and very different from each other. It has been fun watching their unique personalities develop!

How did you meet your husband? We met when we worked together at a sports apparel store in college.

What’s your favorite family activity? Our favorite family activity is going on walks in our neighborhood! We also love driving around and looking at the decorations during the holiday season.

Tell us a little about your career—pre or post baby. Currently I teach middle school Texas History in Crowley. It is such a blessing & honor to be back working in the same district I grew up in!

How did you find out about FIT4MOM? A good friend of mine invited me to Fit4mom Fort Worth when Asher was 8 months old. I joined for a couple of months while I was on summer break. Fast forward a couple of years, and I noticed Fit4mom Burleson-Crowley on social media. After several months of keeping in touch with Amy, it was the perfect time for me to join! One of the best decisions I've made this past year :)

What is your favorite part about FIT4MOM? The community, no doubt. From day one, Amy along with the other amazing mamas have welcomed me with open arms. The mamas in this village are so genuine, will have your back no matter what, and be your biggest cheerleader. I feel so seen & known by this community & it has been one of the greatest blessings of my life, truly!

What has inspired you the most since being a part of FIT4MOM? The strong mamas in this group. Seeing how hard these mamas push themselves after knowing what they have overcome is truly inspiring! Whether it be postpartum depression, a difficult season with toddlers, sleepless nights with a baby, or complete new beginnings, these mamas don't let anything get in their way!

Do you have any big plans this month? We are traveling to Minnesota to visit my twin brother for Thanksgiving!

What is your proudest moment as a mom? My proudest moments as a mom is seeing my boys love & care for others.

Have you ever thought, gosh I can’t do this, and what brings you to see the good? Yes, absolutely. Being a mom is hard, whether you have 1, 2, 6... Whether they are close in age or spread out, being a mom is hard! We are currently in a challenging season in regards to sleep as we have had our oldest transition to a big boy bed, and our youngest who just doesn't seem to like to sleep ;) During those hard seasons, I'm thankful for my sweet husband, family, friends, community group, and of course Fit4mom who all serve & love us so well! God uses these people to put things in perspective for me and remind me of His goodness and the sweetness of being a mama, even during those sleepless nights.

How has becoming a mother changed you? Motherhood has sweetly revealed to me where I fall short, reminding me that I cannot do this alone nor should I. I've also gained more confidence in myself and am ready to stand up for my boys at the drop of a hat.

What advice would you give a new mom? Get you a community. Reach out for help. Be intentional with your significant other and remember you are a team. Do date night swaps with other mamas so you don't have to pay for a sitter. Give yourself grace. And always have an extra change of clothes packed :)