March 2020 Mom of the Month

Being a mom is hard, any day of the week. Being a mom of 5.....well, that’s a full time, never sitting, never going to the bathroom alone, never getting much peace, job. I wouldn’t trade my busy life for the world. But I was missing something. I came across a free Fit4Mom “try it out” class. With a 2 year old at home, it seemed perfect! I’ve been on a weight loss journey for a few years, so I thought this was great!! I was nervous. I’m an older mom, and didn’t know how comfortable I would feel with 20 year old moms. But there were moms of all ages, and I was soooo welcomed!! I made friends the very first day and couldn’t wait to come back. This wonderful village of women, all ages and backgrounds, make every mom feel welcome and at ease. What more can you ask for?? My weight loss journey, turned into a health journey and it’s been wonderful. Getting healthy, getting stronger, and showing my children that goals are achievable if you work at it.....are all the best parts. I adore these women. I have found “my village”.️

Mom of the Month Q&A

Where are you originally from?

I’m native Texan, born and raised. I’ve lived in this area ever since. I went to school in Joshua.

Tell us about your little workout buddy (and all the kiddos)!

My 2 year old is Marky. He is happy as long as Mamma is fairly close. Lol. He really enjoys class and parallel playing with the kids after. I also have Olivia, who is 6. Carly who is 11. Justin who is 14, and Erik who is 18. We definitely have a full, busy house

How did you meet your husband?

I met Mark through a friend. He came highly recommended. I don’t give him enough credit usually, but he is the best partner I could ever ask for. He is a near perfect husband who remembers our anniversary and then teases me, because I do not.

What’s your favorite family activity?

Just being home, eating dinner together. Having all of us home, present, and interacting, is my most favorite thing. The older the kids get, the busier they are. And I miss them all being little.

How did you find out about FIT4MOM?

I came across a free event offered. First week free, on Facebook. I am soooo glad I signed up for that first class.

What is your favorite part about FIT4MOM?

This amazing built in village of wonderful women. And the fact that we embrace every new mom, that joins our village. It’s the best feeling ever.

What has inspired you the most since being apart of FIT4MOM?

The Body Back class. The whole FIT4MOM program has been inspirational, but the Body Back class has changed my whole life.

Do you have any big plans this month?

I will be running the savage race with my husband!

What is your proudest moment as a mom?

These are too numerous to count! First steps, first “I love you’s”, first words, times 5! Honor rolls, joining clubs, making it into Gifted and Talented, student government, student of the month……the list goes on. But my oldest graduates from high school in May. That may just be at the top of my list so far.

Have you ever thought, gosh I can’t do this, and what brings you to see the good?

Absolutely! Every mother does. What helps me every time, is stopping and realizing how wonderful my kids are turning out. Must mean I’m doing something right.

How has becoming a mother changed you?

In every way imaginable. But most of all……showing me patience and love, like I never imagined.

What advice would you give a new mom?

Try to enjoy every single moment. But it’s ok if you don’t! It’s hard. And it’s fleeting. But however you feel in that moment, it’s ok to feel it. And it’s normal.